Summer work

Wonder Woman’s Trailer uses music to change camera angle and to show the scenes pace to allow the audience to become more immersed in the trailer and become more likely to watch the film. The decision to synchronise the camera change to the music allows the scenes to flow better and to allow each movement, the different strong beats show how the scenes develop into action packed scenes, also when the scene becomes light hearted or witty the music changes to a happier quieter sound. As the scene picks up the amount of time without a scene change also appears and more action is shown with high fast-paced music being played other the scene. In the middle of the scene at every drum hit the camera angle changes making a very quick and dark scene that allows the audience to get drawn into the trailer. The music stops or slows just before a big scene which gives the effect that something big is coming up making the trailer better and making people more excited for the movie when it releases. At about 1:30 the trailer switches to the beat which shows how wonder woman is making an impact to the scene and changing how the normal scene is being made extraordinary by the adding of the superhero, also her armour is a different colour to the rest of the scene which also makes her stand out above the normal grey look of all the soldiers and the scenery in the trenches. The scenes get longer at the start and at the end to show a big portion of the movie while in the middle each cut is kept short to make the audience want to go watch the film as they understand the story but only get short snippets of the action that is in the movie. Also at the end of the trailer the music stops to allow a witty scene to be made which shows the light-hearted part of the movie and shows how the movie will be full of action and jokes.