Louis Althusser

George Gerbener

George Gerbener who was a professor of communication and founder of cultivation theory was born in Budapest lived in Hungary and emigrated to the United States in late 1939 believed in the same thing as Elizabeth Newton and made additional evidence to support the point and made a theory called Cultivation theory which suggest that exposure to television, over time, subtly 'cultivates' 'Viewers' perceptions of reality. Gerbener and Gross Assert."Television is a medium of the socialisation of most people into standardised roles and behaviours. Its function is in a word, enculturation".
Mean world syndrome is a term coined by George Gerbner to describe a phenomenon whereby the violence-related content of mass media makes viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is. Mean world syndrome one of the main conclusions of cultivation theory.
His theory also stated how being told something over and over again (Drip-Drip theory) and being told narrow truths for long periods of time can lead to behaviour in that manner such as being scared of teenagers after reading bad aggressive articles about teenagers or being violent after having too much exposure to violent video games this acts as a sort of sponge of information that slowly soaks up information and makes a certain belief come to light.
Elizabeth Newson

Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura and the hypodermic syringe model- Albert Bandura is a psychologist who has made many theories about different subjects such as the social cognitive theory, therapy and personality psychology. He also talks about the hypodermic syringe model which suggests that the audience accepts the message 'injected' into them by the mass media. This model believes that there is a direct correlation between violent behaviour shown on TV, computer games, etc... and anti-social and criminal behaviour in real life.
An experiment Bandura carried out and recorded young woman beating up a bobo doll by punching the clown, kicking it, sitting on it, and hitting it with a little hammer and so on. She also shouted various aggressive phrases to the doll. After he recorded the session he showed it to groups of small children and then let sit in the room with the doll and all the toys used to attack the doll by the young woman. Bandura watched as the kids beat the daylights out of the Bobo doll, they punched, kicked, shouted, sat on the doll and hit the doll with little hammers. This shows that the children imitated the young lady in the film and shows that the children changed their behaviour in response to what they had seen on the TV. Bandura did this with a real clown and also did the same experiment with the doll and the clown but by being nice and the kids still imitated the action.
The experiment allowed Bandura to conclude that violent media content could lead to imitation or copycat violence. Also McCabe and Martin also looked at this experiment and concluded that this was only because the violence was shown as being heroic. Which brings across the 'disinhibition effect'.
An experiment Bandura carried out and recorded young woman beating up a bobo doll by punching the clown, kicking it, sitting on it, and hitting it with a little hammer and so on. She also shouted various aggressive phrases to the doll. After he recorded the session he showed it to groups of small children and then let sit in the room with the doll and all the toys used to attack the doll by the young woman. Bandura watched as the kids beat the daylights out of the Bobo doll, they punched, kicked, shouted, sat on the doll and hit the doll with little hammers. This shows that the children imitated the young lady in the film and shows that the children changed their behaviour in response to what they had seen on the TV. Bandura did this with a real clown and also did the same experiment with the doll and the clown but by being nice and the kids still imitated the action.
The experiment allowed Bandura to conclude that violent media content could lead to imitation or copycat violence. Also McCabe and Martin also looked at this experiment and concluded that this was only because the violence was shown as being heroic. Which brings across the 'disinhibition effect'.
Psycho graphic Profiling
Psycho graphic Profiling is putting people into groups depending on aspirations, ideas on life and where people will or have ended up.
Demographic Profiling
Demographic profiling is a way of categorising the population by age/money/population/etc...
A- Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc... (Financial Times).
B- Middle management, teachers, creative and media people such as graphic designers, etc... (Mac book advert).
C1- Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff, white collar jobs, etc... (Radio 2).
C2- Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders, blue collar jobs, etc... (Eastenders, the Sun).
D- Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, etc... (I am a celebrity get me out of here, take a break TV).
E- Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers, etc... (Daytime TV).
A- Higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc... (Financial Times).
B- Middle management, teachers, creative and media people such as graphic designers, etc... (Mac book advert).
C1- Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff, white collar jobs, etc... (Radio 2).
C2- Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders, blue collar jobs, etc... (Eastenders, the Sun).
D- Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, etc... (I am a celebrity get me out of here, take a break TV).
E- Unemployed, students, pensioners, casual workers, etc... (Daytime TV).
Stuart Hall
Stuart hall is a cultural theorist and believes in his theory that all media can be taken in three different ways.
Hall was concerned with media power, including how it propagates particular social values, ideologies (in other words framing public debate surrounding certain issues; e.g. the role of women in society, asylum and immigration, the welfare system, the monarchy etc...)
He believes that the mass media create and define issues of public concern and interest through audience positioning.
Polysemy is the capacity for a text to have multiple meanings. It is to do with how individuals interpret and decode readings in different contexts and cultures.
- Dominant Reading- Reader fully accepts the preferred reading (audience will read the text the way the author intended them to) so that he code seems natural and transparent.
- Negotiated Reading- The reader partly believes the code and broadly accepts the preferred reading, but sometimes modifies it in a way which reflects their own position, experiences and interests.
- Oppositional Reading- The readers social position places them in an oppositional relation to the dominant code. They reject the reading.
Hall was concerned with media power, including how it propagates particular social values, ideologies (in other words framing public debate surrounding certain issues; e.g. the role of women in society, asylum and immigration, the welfare system, the monarchy etc...)
He believes that the mass media create and define issues of public concern and interest through audience positioning.
Polysemy is the capacity for a text to have multiple meanings. It is to do with how individuals interpret and decode readings in different contexts and cultures.
My Favourite media Collage
This collage is made from my favourite things that are in the media, I selected social media apps that I use, TV programs that I watch, games that I play and what I listen to and support.
First attempt at video editing
Summer work
Wonder Woman’s Trailer uses music
to change camera angle and to show the scenes pace to allow the audience to
become more immersed in the trailer and become more likely to watch the film.
The decision to synchronise the camera change to the music allows the scenes to
flow better and to allow each movement, the different strong beats show how the
scenes develop into action packed scenes, also when the scene becomes light
hearted or witty the music changes to a happier quieter sound. As the scene
picks up the amount of time without a scene change also appears and more action
is shown with high fast-paced music being played other the scene. In the middle
of the scene at every drum hit the camera angle changes making a very quick and
dark scene that allows the audience to get drawn into the trailer. The music
stops or slows just before a big scene which gives the effect that something
big is coming up making the trailer better and making people more excited for
the movie when it releases. At about 1:30 the trailer switches to the beat
which shows how wonder woman is making an impact to the scene and changing how the
normal scene is being made extraordinary by the adding of the superhero, also
her armour is a different colour to the rest of the scene which also makes her
stand out above the normal grey look of all the soldiers and the scenery in the
trenches. The scenes get longer at the start and at the end to show a big
portion of the movie while in the middle each cut is kept short to make the
audience want to go watch the film as they understand the story but only get
short snippets of the action that is in the movie. Also at the end of the
trailer the music stops to allow a witty scene to be made which shows the light-hearted
part of the movie and shows how the movie will be full of action and jokes.
9 Forms of Media
- Television
- Internet
- Music/Music Videos
- Newspapers
- Film
- Magazines
- Radio
- Advertising
- Video Games
Describe the detail
Industry/Institution(who made the media)
Textual analysis of mise en scene
Regional identity
Industry/Institution(who made the media)
Textual analysis of mise en scene
Regional identity
Steve Neale

My Glossary for all the important vocabulary I learn over my course.
Connotation- An idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
Denotation- A translation of a sign to its meaning and is usually in contrast to connotation.
Semiotics- A study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretations.
Genre- A style or category of art, music, media or literature.
Mise en scene- The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.
Intertextuality- Refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text.
Tableau- A group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history.
Hybrid genre- A mixture of genres put together to make a type of media more interesting and different to other media types.
Audience- The audience is anyone who consumes a piece of media.
Psychographic Profiling- Psychographic profiling is the study of personality, values, attitudes and lifestyles. Psychographic segmentation involves dividing a market into segments based on different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers.
Demographic Profiling- Socioeconomic characteristics of a population expressed statistically, such as age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, the average size of a family, the average age at marriage.
White Collar Jobs- work is performed in an office, cubicle, or another administrative setting.
Blue Collar Jobs- people whose job requires manual labour
Pink Collar Jobs- people whose labour is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work.
Connotation- An idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
Denotation- A translation of a sign to its meaning and is usually in contrast to connotation.
Semiotics- A study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretations.
Genre- A style or category of art, music, media or literature.
Mise en scene- The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.
Intertextuality- Refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text.
Tableau- A group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history.
Hybrid genre- A mixture of genres put together to make a type of media more interesting and different to other media types.
Audience- The audience is anyone who consumes a piece of media.
Psychographic Profiling- Psychographic profiling is the study of personality, values, attitudes and lifestyles. Psychographic segmentation involves dividing a market into segments based on different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers.
Demographic Profiling- Socioeconomic characteristics of a population expressed statistically, such as age, sex, education level, income level, marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, the average size of a family, the average age at marriage.
White Collar Jobs- work is performed in an office, cubicle, or another administrative setting.
Blue Collar Jobs- people whose job requires manual labour
Pink Collar Jobs- people whose labour is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work.
Favourite Video
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