US network television-
US network broadcasters must satisfy their advertisers and hold market share. They are also controlled by federal regulation.
The impact of this on content is a…

Luther- Instagram story (Alice calling).

PVR- Personal video recorder.
SVOD- Subscription video on demand.

So, why do audiences love LFTVD-
High quality drama
Multiple episodes, hours, years
Content can be dark and difficult but innovative
It now attracts some of the best and innovative writers and actors
Time shifting, easily accessible

‘State of the nation” TV
·      Long form shows challenged the simplistic storylines and stereotypical characters that dominate network TV in US e.g. CSI.
·      HBO (Time Warner) launched the Sopranos in 1999 (to 2007), which was a huge commercial and critical hit. Increasingly these shows were about the crisis of US identity and hegemony.

·      Other shows followed including the Wire (2002-2008) which won awards and turned US TV into a medium for serious subject matter and critique.

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