Newspaper and Politics

Right wing-
UKIP (UK Independence Party), BNP (British National Party).
Traditional Values – Love of the past (Royals, Veterans, etc.)
“Survival of the fittest” – we should be able to keep the money we earn, because we deserve it.
Don’t believe in benefits/welfare for all.
Do not want the NHS, or state schools, -> Privatisation.
Tied to Christian beliefs – against gay marriage some are anti-abortion, etc., traditional views about women.
PRO BREXIT – anti-immigration.
Not worried about environment.
Pro nuclear weapons.

Left wing-
Guardian, Mirror.
Optimist – visionaries of the future (forward looking).
Pro-Europe, pro-immigration, pro-multiculturalism.
‘Welfare state’ – Benefits, ‘’for the many, not the few’’.
Higher taxes – especially the rich.
Looking for more equality.
Fight for women’s rights, gay rights, etc.
Very concerned with the environment.

Owen Jones “Largely run by a very small group of very right-wing media moguls who defend the status quo of which they are part. If you are on the left and want to change society, the media will always come and get you”.

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